If you want to make a real difference for communities in need, this new online program is the ideal platform. You’ll be able to get spiritual guidance on your own quest to discovery and self love while making an impact on the world!Take control of your life, live to your full potential, and find your true self all while giving back to the local community and helping them through difficult times.A new community membership program has been launched by Baz Porter, the spiritual guidance and life coaching specialist based in Torrance, California. The program was formed with the intention of supporting the Baz’s Million Dreams Foundation, which aims to help veterans and communities requiring assistance due to homelessness, starvation, addiction and other issues.More information can be found at: https://www.bazporter.comBy joining the newly launched membership program, you are able to support the foundation’s humanitarian vision. In addition to this, you are able to get free 15-minute “power shots”, energetic Zoom transmissions designed to clear resistance and help you achieve your daily goals.Other membership benefits are available based on the option participants choose when they sign up. Membership options include Basic, for $7 monthly, Bronze for $12.97 monthly, Silver for $19.97 monthly, Gold for $49.97, and Platinum available at a monthly price point of $99.97.Basic membership gives access to 20 daily Divine Energy Channeling sessions, and a 5% discount on personal services from Baz. Upgrading to a Bronze membership gives an additional 20 Focused Divine Daily Energy Channeling sessions, and a free group call every month.Silver program members will get the above in addition to other benefits, including a one-hour live group call with Baz every three months. Gold members receive 15% discounts on services, while Platinum members will get 25% off.Baz has declared it his mission to guide awakening souls into self awareness and self love. He strives to provide clients with the foundation for a strong spiritual base. His services and courses are centered on establishing self belief and an increasing awareness that there is more to life than what people see.With this in mind, he teaches an awareness of universal laws, other dimensions, new paradigms, and quantum energy work for healings. In helping clients to navigate their life, his services are grounded in reliability, loyalty, commitment, open-mindedness, honest and compassion.A spokesperson states: “Baz Porter is building a community to impact growth, promote change, and bring harmony to the world one person at a time. In order to accomplish this, each one of us must first decide to look within to discover our true potential.”You can find out more info on the link above!