Bodyweight exercises are one of the most effective ways of getting into shape. They’re low impact, and can be carried out with little to no equipment.So whether you want to add muscle, lose weight, or get fit and toned, PrimalThenics can help. Now they’re offering live group classes alongside the on-demand app content.Group classes are available in Brisbane, with a focus on primal movement and mobility specialized training, in-depth coaching and unique training.More information can be found at: newly launched group training sessions are available in one-hour slots. Each course is designed to help participants become the fittest they can be.Numbers are capped, and in-depth coaching will be provided to change the way people pursue their fitness goals. Classes will be held inside the Newmarket Swimming Pool on Alderson Street.The principle behind PrimalThenics is using bodyweight as the basis for a whole workout program. The program is specifically designed to combine mobility, strength, and cardiovascular fitness.While traditional training styles only improve one element of fitness at a time, PrimalThenics is an all in one program. Participants in the program will expose any weaknesses, so that people can work on them and improve their fitness.One of the main benefits of the new group classes is that they are scaled to each person’s ability. That means they’re ideal for beginners and more experienced clients alike.In addition to the group sessions now available in Brisbane, on-demand classes can be taken through the app. That provides members with even more routes to achieving their fitness goals.There are more people looking for bodyweight workouts than ever before. One of the main reasons for this is that they can be carried out at home with no or minimal equipment.That provides a new level of freedom for anyone looking to improve their fitness, get into shape, or reach their wellness goals.Bodyweight training can also lead to better balance and flexibility, and more control and variety. Because they are so easy to carry out, it makes people less likely to quit on their journey to better health.Full details of the PrimalThenics program can be found at: