Retirement can last a lot longer than people think – up to 25 years or more! So planning for retirement is important for a number of reasons. If you want the best retirement planning service in Ottawa, you can get in touch with Todd Morin, financial advisor at IG Wealth Management.He helps you to make better decisions about your wealth, look after your family, and live a financially free retirement. This is especially important in uncertain times like this, where the market has been hit so hard.If you want to plan for retirement in the most effective way, IG Wealth Management's new webinar is ideal! Called “Mastering Your Retirement”, it will provide expert analysis on the current financial situation and the potential impact concerning retirement.Go to to request an invitation.The discussion will feature expert analysis of the current financial situation during these interesting times, and the potential future impact for Canadian families. You can learn the tips and strategies you need in today’s crazy market and secure your future.The upcoming webinar provides a comprehensive discussion of some of the most relevant aspects of retirement. It is primarily aimed at those in retirement as well as individuals with planned retirement within the next 10 years.The discussion will focus on the unprecedented stock market reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. A recent National Bureau of Economic Research working paper suggests that no previous disease outbreak has affected the stock market as severely as the current crisis, with the main factor behind its impact being the policy measures implemented in an attempt to mitigate its spread.You will benefit from expert analysis of the events of the last 60-90 days, including global responses and economic support policies. The financial expert will analyze the impact of these measures on the current stock market and offer unique insights into the potential future developments caused by current policies.The webinar is part of a series of informative online training events that aim to educate the company’s clients and other interested parties on navigating the complex current economic times.Non-clients are invited to contact financial advisor Todd Morin at the link above for an exclusive link to the webinar.With the latest announcement, IG Wealth Management continues to invest in the development of high-quality financial consulting services and resources for clients across Canada.You can find more information by visiting the above-mentioned website.Written and published by IG Wealth Management as a general source of information only. Not intended as a solicitation to buy or sell specific investments, or to provide tax, legal, or investment advice. Seek advice on specific circumstances from an IG Wealth Management Consultant.