Are you wondering when to get in or out of the financial market because of coronavirus? Get in touch with Saint-Laurent Associates today for the best advice and guidance!They encourage the use of supercomputer modeling to make smarter decisions and achieve the best results. Contact them to learn more to grow and protect your investments today.A proven investment strategy has been launched by Saint-Laurent Associates, the Beverly, MA based investment experts. It covers fear of missing out after a recent move saw many investors move to cash based on the impact of COVID-19.More information can be found at: agency explains that coronavirus has proved how traditional investment strategies don’t work. Wall Street is slow to change what it offers retail investors and 401ks - however, institutions, pension funds, endowments, and high net worth investors receive more beneficial offerings.Saint-Laurent Associates aims to provide clients with the independent investment advice and guidance, allowing them to find the best options available.They argue that the big firms are too invested in the flawed “buy, hold, diversify and rebalance” model. To change course now would mean they would be exposed as great marketers, not unique investment advisors.Recentanalysis from Saint-Laurent Associates compared the coronavirus crisis to the2008 financial crash. The virus has impacted the global economy across numeroussectors, and led many investors to question when to get in and out of themarket.The team highlights that big firms have been deceiving average investors and plansponsors for years. However, their use of supercomputers makes it possible forclients to achieve lower risk, higher returns at reasonable fees.Saint-LaurentAssociates shows how Dynamic Asset Level Investment (DALI) strategy recommendeda move to 100% cash based on predictive algorithm usage. Rather than being anexample of market timing, this was a defensive, short-term decision made byanalyzing data.Now that many investors have followed this plan and taken out large cash positions,Saint-Laurent Associates knows that some will be having a case of fear ofmissing out, or “FOMO”.Their sector rotation tactical management investment committee underscores theimportance of having patience during market volatility. They urge investors toremain patient and vigilant, as most projections show that the peak ofcoronavirus’ impact hasn’t yet been reached.Fulldetails can be found on the URL above. Additional details are available at: can get in touch today for the best market advice!