If you think you have a dental emergency, you should definitely contact the professionals at All Smiles Dental!All Smiles Dental, a professional dental clinic in Mount Eden, Auckland, announced the launch of a new emergency advice and prescription consultation service. During the COVID-19 crisis, the dental team is available via phone call, email or Tele-Dentistry, including Zoom or Skype.Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all dental practices are currently closed for all routine, non-urgent dental care. However, the newly launched emergency advice and prescription consultation service at All Smiles Dental allows you to find a solution to your urgent needs via phone call or online.A dental emergency is a situation that requires immediate treatment. It may involve conditions that cause severe pain, infection or directly affect your health.Dental emergencies can include swelling, damage to your mouth or jaw following an accident or injury causing loss of a tooth, severe dental pain, tooth fracture, wire or bracket fractures in orthodontic patients, and more.In New Zealand, governments and relevant authorities have advised dental practices to cease performing non-urgent routine dental treatments and to provide essential and emergency treatments only.The team at All Smiles Dental want to be here for you in cases of a dental emergency during this unprecedented and challenging time.More information can be found at https://www.allsmilesdental.co.nzIn accordance with MOH and DCNZ restrictions, All Smiles Dental is temporarily closed on-site until they re-enter Alert Level 3. Then, the clinic will be able to see emergency patients only.All elective care and hygiene appointments in the interim will be rescheduled until Level 2 or below is reached.A spokesperson for the clinic said: "As a practice, we are striving to do what’s best for our patients, staff, families and the wider community. We thank everyone for their continued support and look forward to reopening and seeing your gorgeous smiles again soon! Meanwhile, take care, stay home and stay safe!"Click on the link above for more info.