The safety of your water probably isn’t something you think about very often. But there are countries where nobody has access to safe drinking water, and even in the US the situation is bad.Across the US, 63 million people have been impacted by unhealthy water. Industrial dumping, farming pollution and more have all taken their toll. So what’s the best way to combat this? Aquasana has launched a new whole-home filter for clean, healthy water from every tap in the house.More information can be found at: https://fromeverytap.comIn developed nations, getting clean water at home is as natural as breathing fresh air. For that reason, many people take it for granted.It’s something that many people may not pay attention to, because they’re so used to having it. But this is not the case for the rest of the world.There are still many nations that don’t have access to clean drinking water. Aquasana is aiming to change that with its cutting edge filtration system.They believe that everyone deserves access to clean drinking water and safely managed sanitation. Clean water can provide nourishment, prevent diseases, get rid of toxins, and improve sanitation facilities.Aquasana is now offering its whole-home filters to provide a complete home solution. They’re designed to reduce harmful contaminants from any family’s tap water.Whether customers use a well, or have a unit to fit their needs, the filter is ideal. No matter how the local city treats the water supply, Aquasana can help.The system is designed to eliminate 99.99% of viruses, bacteria like E. Coli and chlorine resistant cysts like cryptosporidium and giardia.Even in America the filter can have huge benefits in the home. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave the US drinking water delivery system a D on its most recent infrastructure report card.This is based on the significance of leaks and the presence of contaminants like lead and perfluorooctanoic acid.Over 63 million people have been exposed to unsafe water in the US, and six decades of farming pollution and industrial dumping have taken its toll on the water supply.A spokesman said: “Our whole-home filter systems are easy to maintain over time and come with sediment pre-filter that catches rust, silt, and other sediments present in your water.”“The water then goes through two filters: an activated carbon filter and a copper-zinc mineral stone filter designed to reduce chemical compounds like pesticides and water-soluble heavy metals, respectively.”Full details can be found at: