January 22, 2020 - Enterprise content management is designed to minimise areas of inefficiency, allow for ease of access to documents and manage content. Lacking in many systems, however, is the capacity to manage content across multiple repositories. With most businesses dealing with multiple file types and applications, there are some ECM services incapable of meeting all corporate needs.
M-Files ECM, on the other hand, is an innovative content management system that tackles these issues head-on. With the ability to offer a common view to all content, regardless of the system or repository, it allows businesses to streamline the content search process and store all information securely.
As the only M-File Premium Partner in the country, Docsmart is leading the industry in the rollout of this system. Powered by artificial intelligence, M-Files allows for automated analysis, classification and organisation of information stored.
As a comprehensive and unified platform, its features include text analytics, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Understanding (NLU), and machine learning - solidifying its position as a state of the art tool for all businesses.
Docsmart invites all interested parties to contact them through their website; https://document-management.co.nz/ for more information on M-Files’ capabilities.
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