MINNEAPOLIS - Oct. 6, 2019 -Minnesota Criminal Lawyer Lynne Torgerson successfully obtained the release of a client placed in the Detox Center in Hastings, Minnesota. When you encounter law enforcement and you are highly inebriated, the police may take you into custody and place you in the Detox Center in Hastings, Minnesota. The placement typically is for 72 hours. This can cause problems with employment, and can be very expensive, up to several hundred dollars. Ms. Torgerson can help you or your loved one release from this facility, as she has helped others obtain release in the past. This involves obtaining an Order from a Judge of the Dakota County District Court. Well done Ms. Torgerson.
Criminal Defense Lawyer, Lynne Torgerson, (612) 339-5073, www.lynnetorgerson.com, a lawyer of excellence and experience of over 29 years, can represent you or your loved one on all criminal charges, all misdemeanors, gross misdemeanors, and felonies, throughout the State of Minnesota. Ms. Torgerson also successfully handles expungements, Expungement Lawyer Minnesota, and gun rights restoration cases, carry permit appeals, permit to purchase denials, gun purchase denials, and Second Amendment litigation, Second Amendment Lawyer Minnesota. Please check out her website http://www.lynnetorgerson.com. For representation please call (612) 339-5073.
Lynne Torgerson