JACKSON, Mich. - Oct. 4, 2019 - The FDA recently released the PanOptixTM trifocal lens made by Alcon for cataract patients. What does this mean for Specialty Eye Institute patients? As a practice, we're always working toward giving our patients the best possible visual outcomes and this lens provides patients with a full range of vision.
PanOptix is already one of the leading presbyopia-correcting IOLs in more than 70 countries. It is designed for today's active lifestyles, from viewing mobile devices and computer screens to high-quality distance vision in a range of lighting conditions. The new lens uses Alcon's ENLIGHTEN®Optical Technology, a proprietary design that optimizes intermediate vision without compromising near and distance vision.
"We are excited to offer our patients the proven technology winner in depth of focus lenses. PanOptix has been available in Europe for over 7 years with over five hundred thousand lenses implanted and the clear favorite lens internationally. It is finally available here in the United States and we too are experiencing its distinct advantages in our patients," states Dr. Kevin Lavery, Cataract Specialist at Specialty Eye Institute.
The advantage of this lens over others is not only does it offer equal distance acuity, but with an improved intermediate focal point at 60 cm means the possibility of better visual outcomes for daily tasks including using your phone, computer, and reading a book or menu.
"We have been watching closely for this technology to become available to us and are thrilled to finally have this as an option. PanOptix is the first lens of its kind that gives excellent vision in all levels of patient needs (distance, mid-range, and near)," Paul Ernest, M.D., Cataract Specialist and Founder of Specialty Eye Institute.
If you are interested in learning more about this new technology, visit our website www.specialtyeyeinstitute.com or call (877) 852-8463.
Cindy Hancock