Surviving in an online world is tough, especially when your a new business or start up and have to compete with the already established, trusted competitors. But it can be easier.
Some companies tend to hire a social media manager, and this works perfectly well. They make sure your page is kept up to date, and your social media presence is forever growing.
But if you want to take on this task yourself. Here are the top 3 aspects you to need incorporate into your strategy.
1. Be consistant
Being consistant is the single most important factor to a successful social media campaign. If you tend to post blog articles, videos, business updates to your page on a completely random basis your going to get the least amount of engagement possible. In order for you to succeed you need to establish a routine. Post your updates and content on a more regular basis so your audience know when your content is coming.
2. Share other peoples content
A lot of businesses tend to be afraid of sharing another pages content, most likely because they think it will steal there thunder, but it wont. At the end of the day it's your page who is providing your customers with well written information and they will always be thankful for it. Not to mention it certainly helps when your content is running a little dry and you have nothing to post for that particular week. Sharing other pages content could also lead to a business relationship with the owner. Who knows what this might lead to in the future.
3. Optimize your pages profile
Many businesses seem to create their profile, fill in the basic information that is a necessity and leave it that. But if you want a bigger audience to share your content with you need to make them feel like you know what your talking about, and a business page without a profile picture or a contact number seems a little shady. Make sure you fill in your pages profile to its full potential to make your visitors feel like they must return.
Remember, if you do opt to pay an agency to help you it's also important to target the right market, if your a UK business make sure your paying someone who specialises in UK Social Media Management and visa verse.