SAN JOSE, Calif. -- The Remonsy ETF Network has created an article that shares advice on investing in small cap biotech, including options on small cap biotech ETFs, biotech mutual funds, and single small cap biotech stocks.
The article begins by sharing the pros and cons of each options. For instance, biotech mutual funds can be positive investments for certain types of investors because biotech mutual funds have a lot of diversification. However, because of this high level of diversification, biotech mutual funds do not have the same explosive growth potential as an individual security may have.
“Small Cap Biotech: Single Stock, Mutual Fund, or Small Cap Biotech ETF” ( goes on to offer suggestions on where ETF investors should put their money. They ultimately like the options of small cap biotech stocks like biotech mutual funds and small cap ETF funds because they provide a safer option for success than individual stocks.
Furthermore, the article continues by sharing a specific ETF option for those interested in small cap biotech investing.
Do-it-yourself ETF investors that have an interest in biotech mutual funds and ETFs should consider looking at this article for tips on selecting the best investment for their portfolio. The article can be found at the Remonsy ETF Network’s website:
About Remonsy and Tom Vaughan:
Tom Vaughan founded Retirement Capital Strategies, his own money management firm, at the age of 23. After 26 years of investment experience, Vaughan created Remonsy ETF Network to share his knowledge with do-it-yourself ETF investors.
Remonsy ETF Network publishes free and premium content on ETF investing. Remonsy ETF Network does not take commissions, manage or hold funds, or receive any fees from investment companies. All the investment information is independent, coming from Vaughan’s extensive career, which includes more than $300 under management and the creation of over 6,000 financial plans