1. Milk is food and cannot replace water. Even as a food, it cannot provide comprehensive and balanced nutrition. For some dogs and cats, milk is a useful snack, but they cannot tolerate large amounts of milk. Milk contains lactose, which requires lactase to digest it. If the lactase content is insufficient or the lactose content is too high in the gastrointestinal tract , it will cause diarrhea in some pets.
2. Adding raw eggs to pet food can cause vitamin H deficiency. The egg white contains antibiotic protein, which prevents the absorption of vitamin H. Vitamin H deficiency can cause dermatitis, hair loss and stunted growth.
3. Although dogs like to eat meat, meat is not a balanced food and raw meat may contain parasites, cooked meat has a high fat content, and the nutrient content is not balanced.
4. Feeding a large amount of raw liver daily can cause vitamin A poisoning in dogs and cats.
5. Do not feed small bones to dogs and cats, especially bones with sharp parts. This bone can cause damage to the pet’s mouth and even the throat, it may get stuck in the pet’s throat and intestines.
6. If healthy cats and dogs fed a comprehensive and balanced food, it doesn’t need to supplement other nutrients, but feeding leftovers on the table, irregular exercise, and frequent pressure changes will cause pets to have special nutritional needs.
7. Dogs need eat dog food. Especially puffing dog food by dog food making machine https://www.zenopelletmachine.com/product/dog-food-making-machine/.Each type of dog food is designed by professional pet nutritionist according to the dog’s physiological and nutritional needs. It contains essential protein, vitamins, minerals, etc., and has a strong nutritional target, comprehensive and balanced nutrition science.