According to Recent statistics , ever year 50L people( 12 L were non – IT) were getting graduated . But all these people were not getting graduated why ? It is due to lack to certain skills. So keeping that in mind , about us OnIineITGuru started a e-learning platform for IT Courses . Its main motto is to provide the latest technologies and trends to the people. This make the people and attractive and make more value in the market. provides training on various technologies like ServiceNow, Microsoft Azure, Amazon Web Services, Salesforce, Big Data, Selenium, Android, Tableau and ethical hacking many more. This platform provides an online course through a batch (or) one – one (or) Corporate level interactive sessions with real-time scenarios by Real time Industry experts. Nowadays OnlineITGuru has become a platform for both developers and College students to enhance their skills in the IT World. has made a special effort to impart knowledge to the people even though one –one session in odd days. The major motto of the is to impart the knowledge successfully at the learner convenient time across the globe.