In business since 2007, SIDDHARTH OVERSEAS COMPANY LIMTED. Is an INDIAN SOURCING COMPANY in FOSHAN GUANGDONG CHINA ( BUSINESS REGISTRATION IN HONG KONG WITH REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE IN CHINA) is engaged in sourcing products for customers all around the globe,interested in procuring goods from china.
It has branch offices in foshan -guangdong and zhejiang yiwu.
We can offer the following services:
1. Product sourcing. Over years of experiences we have developed ( and continuously updating)our database through which we sources goods for our clients. Sure we can coordinate with your sources too.
2. Translation. Buyers visiting supplier locations would be accompanied by our efficient and English fluent translators.
3. Inspection of goods at the supplier's warehouse before packaging and balance remittance. We have 5 highly professional and experienced members in our quality control team for inspection of products at supplier warehouse.
We would obtain a checklist from our buyers where they believe the supplier could go wrong. Each inspection point would be carefully looked at backed with inspection photos sent to the buyers.
4.Follow up customer's orders to suppliers with regular updates sent to the client.
5.Consolidation of goods from suppliers(mixed container concept). We have our own warehousing in zhejiang and foshan Guangdong ,helping you to minimize your expenses on logistics
6.Arranging shipment in containerized/break bulk / air cargo or LCL forms. We have direct contact with shipping lines and thus can provide you with best freight. However if you wish for us to coordinate with your shipping companies, we can do that too.
7.Payments on customer behalf. You can send the remittance to our official hong kong bank (hsbc and bank of china) and we can arrange payment to all your suppliers in RMB OR US$ as is required. If you wish to pay your suppliers on your own, that is also workable with us.
Thanks for going through our introduction.
If you are interested to work with us or have any enquiry please contact us and we would respond to you within 24 hours.
Thanks and best regards.
Siddharth Overseas Company Limited.