We take pleasure in introducing to you our company ABAM Cigars, S.R.L., a private company inscribed under the laws of the Dominican Republic and whose main activity is the production of high quality cigars.
We are located in Zona Franca Industrial de Villa Mella. Nave #6. Buena Vista Primera. Villa Mella, Santo Domingo Norte. Republica Dominicana.
Phones: 809-569-9494/ 809-569-9595 / 305-395-7190
Fax: 809-569-9696
Web: http://www.abamcigars.com
We have the capacity to make a lot of different vitolas (sizes) that includes all Rings and we are capable of creating personalized blends. In this moment we can produce about 2,000,000 cigars a year, but we are in conditions to increase in our 13,000 M2 facilities.
Abam Cigars S.R.L. gives customers the ability to create their own brands according to his requirements. Receive projects from customers about brands, features and custom designs. We make propositions about blends, cigar bands, logos, rings, packages and others, helping to create a quality product and presentation.
Abam Cigars S.R.L. has registered his own brand in the Dominican Republic and the United States of America, under the name "Abam", "Felungo", "Matias", "Don Polier" and "Yes sir", which are available to our customers.
Sincerly yours
Jose Maragoto