We are a very professional children garment designer / manufactuer / seller in Guangzhou China for 20 years. We have own our factory, and our products are various : woven, knitting, sweater, denim etc. Our capability is abt 300,000 pcs per month.
We have a strong designer team, they can create abt 200 new styles each month. We have total 3 brands as below :
LIGUO : Fashion apparel for 6-16 years old kids
LIGUO BABY: Fashion apparel for 1-6 years old kids
NTH POWER: Sports apparel for 6-16 years old kids
Our brands are one of the top 10 kids apparel in China. And we have more than 300 stores in mainland. Meanwhile, we sell to Europe, North America, Middle east & South-East Asia etc.
We have 3 purchasing meeting each year :
Mar. for Fall
Jun. for Winter
Sep. for next S/S
There are more than 500 new styles will be displayed in each meeting.
We welcome agent / wholesaler & retailer from all over the world.
For any more information, pls contact with us freely.