We manufacture outdoor clocks, Pillar Clocks, Tower clocks, Turrets, Custom design clocks, Floral clocks, (Garden Clocks) , Pillar clocks, Church Clocks, Digital LED Clocks. Digital 7 Segment Display clocks, World time clocks, Vaious country combination digital clocks for call centers and International banking branches, GPS based Digital clocks,
Innovative clocks for your specific requirements. We can design outdoor clocks as per your interest and install the clocks in your building and create a land mark to your buildings and business establishments. We are time management people. So call us for your time equipment requirements.
We manufacture Digital Clocks with multi-country time, date and day format most suitable for IT (Information Technology) Companies, Call Centres and Project management centres.
We manufacture Count-Down time Digital clocks for tracking your Project timings, that is target completion of the Project, Remaining days in the project, Remaining Hours in the said project. This is a unique product for all the OEM manufacturers.
We produce Currency Buy-Sell tables-Digital with country names and their currency present Buy and sell values in their currency names.
We also produce Production Target Digital Boards-PC based so that the manufacturing unit can update their production items daily-Hourly basis. This is a system based unit. Can sync with your PC to update the production schedule details.
Contact us for all your digital Moving Display units-all our moving display units will be PC programmable and we can supply the moving display units in various colour displays both alpha numerical models.
Contact us today for all your digital requirements.