Our company has 10 years' experience in genuine leather handbag production. We are a professional manufacturer of all sorts of bags, including genuine leather handbags, PU bags, purses, wallets, etc. Our products are produced for both women and men.
Currently, our bags have been already exported to America, France, Australia, Italy and many other countries and regions. Our factory has always been focusing on the research, development and innovation of fashion forward bags.
We offer OEM services and have the most advanced equipment for production. Most importantly, we can make products as per your requirements and your structure files with your brands. Many colors are available. Since we have professional staff of about 200 people for bulk, our average output of genuine leather bags can be 10,000 to 20,000 pieces per month. We can also accept sample orders, and the sample time is usually 7 days to 10 days.
We have been making efforts to provide clients with the best products at the most competitive prices. We have established a market-oriented management system according to international standards, and have developed top-ranking systems for manufacture, marketing, environmental protection and quality control.
We are looking forward to establishing long-term business relationships with more customers for mutual development and benefits.