-Basic Philosophy:Every day we build the future of construction and contribute a comfortable environment and a rich society.
-About our company:We were established in 1947. We have 30 business locations in major Japanese cities and a nationwide business network.
-Our strengths:We can fully coordinate several tens of thousands of building materials products from approximately 1000 manufacturers.
-Certifications:Our Nasu factory and group companies are certified under ISO9001. Furthermore, we have acquired the "Eco Stage" certification as one aspect of our environmental management evaluation system.
-Domestic track record:We have established unrivaled sales coverage in Japan with our business locations, which function as sales agents fir major manufacturers and collaborators with local manufacturers.
-Corporate citizenship:We tackle various issues such as the environment, energy saving, safety, and reliability, in response to a recycling-aware public, and we conduct business with a global perspective.