Gaobeidian Baigou Zifeiyu Bag Manufacture Factory is located in Hebei Baigou which is known as China's "bag", the fifth big bag ranked the top production base, and is the 6th field of the market of Hebei. We have been engaged in processing and manufacturing bags for more than ten years and we have rich experience and good prestige.
With the constant development of stable operation for many-faceted & systematize with good faith, practical, enterprising, professional and innovative enterprise spirit and with human-oriented flexible management mode, we have established a perfect production and marketing network system. With the excellent product quality and good service, our products have successfully sold well in overseas areas such as America, and also throughout the country.
Our factory specializes in producing computer bags, tension computer bags, and boarding bags. Our products are all of novel and new styles. If you can give us the samples, we can make computer bags based on samples. We welcome customers like you to join and wholesale/agent. You can enjoy the policy ''guaranteed repair, replacement and return'' to let your carefree and make you relaxed and rapid development of profit.
We sincerely hope and welcome all circles from at home and abroad to visit and negotiate for cooperation!