We are introducing our self as the only indigenous manufacturer of lining equipment (concrete paver) in India since last two decade in this field.
We had supplied various combinations of lining paver to work on canal slopes & bed, air ports, reservoirs, road etc. All kind of paver being installed are working successful at fullest satisfaction and optimum performance.
Following are the projects and there concrete paver machine. -
The machine is a self-propelled unit designed to run on 50 1bs / yd. Rails. It is a pin connected bolted structure easy to erect and transportation.
For canal / reservoir project.
1. trimmer: -this machine is use for proud cutting of sub grade on slope of canal.
2. conveyor: -it pores the concrete at any place you desire.
3. paver Machine: -It finishes the concrete with given thickness any length from 2 meter to 40 meters can get from several model like UNiSTEEL RCP 750, UNiSTEEL PVR 1001, UNiSTEEL RCPF 750
4. work Bridge: -it is ment for meson to work.
We are the member of WTC, WRA, FICCI, EEPC. CII, AEC