On Sep1, 2002. CILC was established . The headquarter company named CILC HOME CO.,LTD .
CILC HOME CO.,LTD is parent company , investment company . It invests one management company and one
manufacture company . The management company named China Int'l Container Leasing
Co.,Ltd , the manufacture company named Shanghai Modular Container Co.,Ltd.
CILC is a success story. The company began in 2002 in Shanghai ,China to provide
housing accommodations container to U.S. ARMY in Afghanistan ,after that, CILC extends
its business worldwide .CILC has rich experience in designing , producing ,transportation , assembly ,
and maintainance container house. From 2011 , CILC start to produce LSS modular house.
CILC produce house in factory like produce car !
CILC provides:
Camp accommodations (workforce housing)
security services
Communications systems
Logistics (supply, transport, equipment maintenance)
Power generation and utilities
Site operation
Exhaust systems
Modular complexes and classrooms
With clients in over 100 countries, 5 sales offices around the world, having advantage in
manufacturing facilities ,CILC has the expertise to rapidly deliver turnkey solutions
almost anywhere they are needed.
Wherever we go, we forge strong relationships with local communities based on trust,
respect and mutual understanding of our business purpose.