Our company is HKM Machinery from Turkey operating in Hydraulic Rock Breaker sector.
The way we might be beneficial to your company is basically:
We produce, export and trade all sorts of spare parts for every brand of HYDRAULIC ROCK BREAKERS:
Tools, Pistons, Side screws, Front head bodies, Retaining pins, Bushings, Vibration Shock Absorbers, Wearing Plates etc.
Krupp, Montabert, Rammer, Furukawa, Okada, Soosan, Indeco, Toyo, MSB, DNB, NPK, Hanwoo, Atlas Copco, Rotair etc.
What are the basic requirements for hydraulic breakers? Hardness, durability and strength? That's why we manufacture all the parts out of oil quenched / tempered SAE Cr-Ni-Mo alloy steel.
We have been working on the hydraulic breakers since 1987 and are very well known company. We will be very glad to be able to share this experience and reputation with you.
Our state-of-art CNC's are ready to manufacture your specific needs in bulk of any type of construction equipments.
Please contact us again if we can help in any way. We are ready to welcome you in English or German.
As the Business Development Manager, I will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your business. I can be reached at the below number / e-mail.
Welcome to our family of friends.