Established in 2000, Guangzhou Kangyi Leathergoods Factory is a manufacturer specialized in all kinds of laptop bags and digital camera bags. We have a production base of more than 5,000 square meters, and more than 300 highly skilled employees. Therefore, we are one of the most professional leather good manufacturers in China.
With the support of our experienced designers and technical personnel concentrating on development, our products are becoming more and more popular in the international market, and at the leading position in domestic market. Relying on abundant experience and original computer bag production technique, we have obtained incomparable advantage on design, quality and price.
Moreover, we can supply thousands of designs to meet customers' changing needs effectively. The materials include leather, PU / PVC, waterproof cloth, sponge, and EVA. The sizes are ranging from 8.9", 10.4", 12.1", 13.3", 14.1", 15.1", 15.4", 16.1", 17.1", to 18". We can also supply quakeproof pearl cotton, which is used for protecting computers.
The factory owns strict quality management system, from raw materials to finished products. Consequently, all the products are of high quality and stable performance, thus can satisfy customers' needs in a positive manner.
Adhering to the principle of "profession wins applause", our target is to make our brand "KANDEXS" become famous around the world. Presently, we are looking forward to building up business relationships with overseas customers based on mutual benefits.
If you are interested in any of our products, please feel free to contact us for more details.