GF One Chemicals Sdn Bhd (GF1) is the manufacturer, exporter and wholesaler of Auto Care products under the brand name of "Getf1" and Air Freshener Products under the trademark of " Be Pure " .
Getf1 have the full and widest ranges of auto care product, up to now Getf1 Brand have more than 50 items of car care products, which included car wax, car shampoo, tyre shine, rain repellant, windscreen cleaner, coolant, leather shine, dashboard cleaner & auto UV protectant, wheel cleaner & protector and etc.
We also have 7 ranges of Air Freshener products under the "Be Pure" brand including Aroma Gel, Perfume Gel, Car Perfume, Day Gel and etc.
Until today , we already export to more than 20 countries .