Tianjin Jingtong Pipeline Technology Co.,Ltd.. is a PE pipes, PVC pipes and PPR pipes manufacturer and supplier in china. The factory locates in Baodi,Tianjin ,only one hour driving away from Xingang port. It started in 1995 and nowadays has become a main plastic pipes manufacturer, exporter, and supplier of a wide range of Polyvinyl chloride pipes(PVC pipes), Polyethylene pipes(PE pipes) and Polypropylene Pipes(PP pipes). The annual production capability reaches 200000 metric tons.
Jingtong PE pipe,UPVC pipe,PPR pipe and fitting systems are know for their sustainability,longevity,nontoxicity,and corrosion resistance,widely used in a broad range of applications such as plumbing, potable water supply,sewerage and waste water,rain water and drainage,building and construction,mining,industrial, rural and irrigation,electrical ,telecommunications and gas.