Our company's aim is to meet our customers expectations, according to their specific requirements in making high quality and unique bags of choice.
Guangzhou City Baihua Co., Ltd. is a leading handbag manufacturer. We have been designing, producing and selling handbags and handbag accessories for over 20 years.
We produce high grade imitation leather (PU, Semi-Pu and PVC) and Fiber fashion handbags and any kinds of handbags of your requirements. Our products are popular in Europe and the Americas.
The competitiveness and demands of the ever changing markets require new and quality products of top designs which our company is well known for and we back this up with professionals and experts whose skills and knowledge ensure that your products are saleable in your market. Our design department creates new models monthly.
We welcome your inquiries, suggestions and ideas and look forward to working with you.
Please feel free to contact us. You may visit us anytime at our office in Hong Kong or the one in the handbag capital of Mainland China.