MAINWALL PRINTING INTERNATIONAL LIMITED mainly concentrates on the business of hand-made paper products. Those products include calendars, hard-cover or paper-back books, diaries, files, bags, pokers, menus, stationery, jewellery boxes, wine boxes, cosmetic boxes, gift boxes for various high-quality commercial products, etc.
Quality is the life of an enterprise, and becomes the priority among our main strategies for business operation. Since the establishment of our company, High Quality has always been maintained as our business goal. All of our employees, regardless of technicians or ordinary staff members, have to join our provided training classes in groups. Further training keeps improving their skills and let them realize the importance of meticulous hand work. Obviously, we are aiming at steady occupancy of a forefront position in terms of the quality of products. For further enhancement of our business, your present and guidance are welcomed.
MAINWALL ensures that your required products have outstanding quality for based on the spirit of "constant quality improvement".