The business life of our company began at 1949 in a little store by fabricating hand made wall painting brushes and dress brushes. Today, for over 60 years of hard working and big experience, we came to a position of being at the top in our own market at Turkey with all computerized equipment machines...
According the demands of our customers we add to the collection, the Carbon comb collection (which is unbreakable heat stabilized and antistatic), heel rasp with brush and without brush and 30 new models of hair neck and shaving brushes. So we can easily serve to professionals by giving a lot of importance to quality, price and durability with a large collection of 190 kinds of brushes which we collect them in 3 main brands.
We currently export approximately to 45 countries and this number is increasing day by day...
We will preserve our position many more years of being followed by other companies, by trying to renewal our selves every day. We believe that we are still working on new models while you are exploring our site...