Our factory was founded in 1945 and is the largest manufacturer of Aloe Vera based products in the United States. Our factory supplies over 10,000 US retailers with the finest Aloe Vera based products. We also ship products to nearly 30 countries. We can handle small orders of 500 units or orders up to 1 million units or more. We have no production limitations. We provide products for low, medium, and higher priced products like those sold in expensive department stores. Our top three export brand names are: Kathy Dallas Ultra, Louise Alston and Hazel Houston. Private labeling is also available.
We can provide required documents for export product registration. Our company is proud to have received the Export Excellence Award from the United States Department of Commerce. See our Kathy Dallas Catalog at www.kathydallas.com to view our best selling products.
Our products have been displayed at trade shows worldwide including Italy, Hong Kong, Egypt, Dubai, Las Vegas, etc.
At our factory we grow our own Aloe Vera in 60 greenhouses.
Our manufacturing prices are very competitive due to our low overhead and our company owned factory.