Established in 1989, Xiamen Chiaping Diamond Industrial Co., Ltd. manufactures and sells Diamond & CBN tools successfully in many production lines of mould and semiconductor industry around the world. We have been ISO9001 certified since 1996. As part of our long commitment to the highest quality, we continuously innovate and improve production technoligy to exceed the quality and vlue our cutstomers have learned to expect from us.
The company's products are marketed under the "BEST" brand, which is widely accepted and highly regarded in the mould-processing industry. These products include:
1) Diamond files: taper files, precision files, and bent files;
2) Mounted points: ID series, vitrified and resin bond mounted points, BH series, BM series, BC series, and 2.0 lengthened mounted points;
3) Diamond dressers: cone dressers, single point dressers, multi point dressers, forming dressers, impregnated diamond dressers, CDD dressers, and mono diamond dressers, diamond indenter;
4) Diamond Grinding wheel: diamond & CBN internal grinding wheel, vitrified & resin bond internal grinding wheels;
5) Polishing tools: diamond compounds, micron powders, felt bobs, diamond foils, cloth and films, diamond fiber, and hand stones;
The company recently registered and launched globally the other brand name for tools used in the semiconductor industry and procession work tools. Products marketed under this brand include:: CMP pad conditioner, diamond thin blades, diamond dicing blades, back grinding wheels, diamond rotery dresser, diamond indenter, profile grinding wheels.
In the cutting tools processing industry, our resin bond diamond grinding wheels have successfully used to grind PCB drill bits. Our vitrified bond diamond grinding wheels have been effectively applied to the grinding of PCD cutting tools.
In other industry such as LED, glass, ceramic and optical fiber, we listen and work closely with our customers to desigh and develop tools they need to reduce production cost, improve product quality that lutimately improve their bottom line.
Although we've grown from our modest beginnings to annual rrevenue exceeding then million USD and a staff of 200, the company mantra remains" manufactured excellent products to help our customers be successful". We firmly beliver our company motto is our path to success. Plese contact us for any questions. We look forward to providing you excellent products and serveces.