The requirement and demand for fish and seafood continually rises worldwide. Aquaculture is a young, innovative part of economy with high growth rates and secured prospects.
The future of fish production requires water to be used as economical as possible and environmentally safe removal of waste products with lowest possible energy consumption.This accelerates the development of intensive, water saving Recirculating Aquaculture System for fish production which do not depend upon natural environmental factors.
We Guangzhou DaHui Aquaculture Equipment Ltd are devoted to Recirculation aquaculture systems (RAS) which represent an exciting, Eco-friendly and unique way to farm fish. This system rears fish at high densities within an operator controllable rearing environment inside a building. RAS designs have several system process technologies all of which work together to ensure minium loss of water, heat and of course fish stocks, while constantly cleaning and re-using the fish tank water. RAS is suitable for fresh and saltwater and is designed for moderately sized fish holding systems and exhibits. This complete system combines mechanical filtering, bio-filtration, protein skimming, ozone generator or UV disinfection etc, all of which are necessary to sustain a long-term healthy aquatic environment. A unique advantage of this system is the independently sump operated filter components, which increase performance and reliability. Water is thoroughly filtered, then disinfected prior to returning to the tank(s).
Benefits include:
Water saving micron-specific mechanical filtering (no wasted water from backwashing)
Industrial grade bio-filtration requiring little maintenance, Re-oxygenating clarification via protein skimming and protective disinfection.
The system is managed properly to produce fish on a year round basis, the economic returns can make it worth the investment.
If preferred we can also offer a complete service from consulting and planing to installation, setting operation and staff training.