** Introduction of DOOTA **
1. [Number One fashion mall in Korea]
Feb, 1999 a new fashion mall, Doota, opened in Dongdaemun.
Although Doota has opened only fairly recently, it has become the best fashion shopping mall in Korea by building awareness and earning trust based on its unparalleled selection of merchandise and attentiveness to customer satisfaction.
2. [Low Prices, High Quality and Design Power]
Doota, a new, modern type of fashion mall, promotes high quality, reasonable prices and well-structured design power
3. [Introduction of an Advanced Distribution System and Realization of
Transparent Management]
Doota has realized the transparent, rational operation of a fashion mall by introducing an advanced distribution system that includes a fixed price system, floor managers, gift cards, best sale representative award, customer center, and a Foreigner's Help Desk, all of which are firsts in the industry.
4. Global Marketplace, With the World
200,000 people having visited our stores over the past ten years.
Fashion Mecca Dongdaemun attracts the eyes of the world!
Doota has firmly established itself as a global fashion mall in Dongdaemun
** History of DOOTA **
[1999. 02]
- Opened DOOTA on FEB 26
[1999. 12]
- Selected as winner of Hit product of the year by consumers
- Won Korea distribution grand prize by Korea Chamber of
Commerce & Industry
- President DAE-JUNG KIM and the first lady visited doota
[2000. 04]
- The number of visitors exceeds 36 million
[2001. 07]
- Introduced the tax refund policy
[2001. 09]
- Won prize in 11th Korea Textile Grand Prize
[2003. 01]
- Extended tax rufund for foreigners to all shops
[2006. 12]
- Won 2006 Korea Distribution Grand Prize
[2007. 12]
- Doosan Tower Co. LTD launched
[2008. 09]
- Held 10th Doota Venture Designer Conference
[2009. 04]
- Doota grand renewal open
[2009. 11]
- Reciept of the Prime Minister prize for the national veterans
of the exellent brands
[2010. 12]
- 15th Korea Distribution Grand Prize of Knowledge and
Economy Minister
** Family Websites **
1. Doosan corporation
--> http://www.doosan.com/en/main.do
2. Doosan Heavy Industries & Construction
--> http://www.doosanheavy.com/en/
3. Doosan Infracore
--> http://www.doosaninfracore.com/en/
4. Doosan Bobcat
--> http://www.bobcat.com/
5. Doosan Engineering & Construction
--> http://www.doosanenc.com/en/
6. Doosan DST
--> http://doosandst.com/en/