Sunlight Craftwork Toys Firm was set up in the year of 2005. Our head office is located in Chenghai, Shantou (one of the most famous Toy Cities in China), Guangdong, China.
We have thousands of factories to supply more than one hundred thousand kinds of toys with new designs every day. Now we handle with more than 100,000 different types of toys and our modern showroom occupies more than 1000 square meters.
We are good at producing goods as per customers' designs and requests to meet overseas market demand. We hope to cooperate with companies all over the world. We focus on our market in Europe, America, the Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia and other parts of the world.
OUR CONCEPT: Your satisfaction is our great achievement!
PRODUCTS: To meet the requirement of our consumers, we keep on creating and developing new products. We guarantee that the products from our factories feature high quality, environmental conservation and health.
BENEFITS: We meet our clients' requirements promptly and exactly to make sure that our suppliers and our agents will get benefits. The most important thing is that we have to reduce our running cost and keep our reasonable price.
MANAGEMENT: We have created the teamwork condition for our employees. Their suggestion and appeal can be presented directly. We always appreciate and encourage them. What is more, we provide the equal opportunities of employment and promotion for staff members to keep their characteristics.
With the reliable reputation, we keep on expanding and creating a better future with your trust and support!