Business Owners, Investors looking for the latest information on Meeting the challenges of industrialization in Africa can register to attend [Rebranding Africa Forum]( scheduled for 13-14-15 October 2016. Rebranding Africa Forum NGO is sponsoring this year's event, which will cover key issues such as:
Investing and financing the second industrialisation of Africa: highlight the economic potential of the identified sectors, the benefits of investing in them, their recommended financing sources and modalities and also the types of partnerships;
Future technologies and energy issues challenges:Understanding better its deficiencies, hence the environmental challenges of Africa, related techno-scientific, socio-economic and political issues and how to handle them;
The agro-industry issues: how to raise agro-industrial vocations and attract investors in the sector.
Full details on the event can be found on the company website at [](
When asked about the reasons behind creating this event, the host of the event, Rebranding Africa Forum NGO in partnership with the panafrican magazine Notre Afrik said:
Meet new partners and build new connections during the Business Day and the business meetings organised in close collaboration with the Trade and Investment Promotion Agency.
As meeting and exchange platform, Rebranding Africa Forum will also be the unprecedented rendez-vous that brings together many political and economic decision makers,
patrons of African and European institutions during the highlights of the event .
Infact, The Rebranding Africa Forum will be heightened by the participation of Guests of Honour: Roch Kabore President of Burkina Faso, Patrice Talon President of the Republic of Benin, and Charles Michel Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Belgium.
The Rebranding Africa Forum NGO website has full details about the sessions at this year's event. Interested parties can visit the website at:
The inscriptions are already open and can be claimed directly on the Rebranding African Forum website, [here](