New Book from the Author of The Alpha Code" Foretells the Coming of The Lord and Answers Critical Questions about Faith in the New Millennium
NEW YORK This week, the author of The Alpha Code," releases his new book, The King of Kings Is Coming." The free book, which has been written as an introduction to the highly anticipated The Alpha Code," foretells the coming of The Lord, and helps mankind to be more spiritually astute and alert in preparation for the arrival of the King of Kings.
The new book is written to help change mankind's consciousness, and help prepare readers to celebrate the wondrous glory of the return of The Lord," said the New John the Baptist. The book uses the Bible as a basis to help uncover fundamental truths of human existence, including who we are, where we are from and wherein lies our destiny. We need these truths unveiled in order for us as Human Spirits to claim our birth-right; a birth-right which today most of us have no clue about or fail to fully understand."
Already thought to be hugely controversial, The King of Kings Is Coming" tackles some of mankind's major mysteries head on. The book also delves into and provides answers to questions that many have about the Bible and the Word of The Lord, including the question of who will enter the gates of Heaven.
According to the New John the Baptist, it is critical that men and women use their ability to reflect or meditate on spiritual matters to gain clarity and a deeper understanding of the Word of The Lord. He encourages readers to apply this principle when reading the scripture, "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father except by Me," as it offers clear insights into the age old question of who goes to heaven.
You can be a Christian, and you can scream and shout and proclaim and confess the Name of The Lord all you want, but if you do not observe His Word, His Teachings, you will not find your way to His Father's Kingdom," said the New John the Baptist. If you ignore or disregard His Teachings, you will never find your way back to Paradise. This is a fact."
This is among one of the most important lessons that I illuminate in the book because you cannot live according to something that you do not understand," he continued. And there are millions of people who are stuck because of their misunderstanding of the Word of The Lord."
The King of Kings Is Coming" contains a number of chapters to help provide clarity and prepare readers for the next coming of The Messiah. Chapters include: Self Inflicted Injury," Listen, Before You Reject," How to Make Sure You Are Not a Foolish Virgin," The 12th Commandment," Are We Saved by Faith or Works," Spiritual Nourishment," Meditation and the Bible," Will Non-Christians Go to Heaven," Spiritual Blessings," The Day of Pentecost," Spiritual Light" and more.
The King of Kings Is Coming" decodes secrets of faith in a way that even a 10-year old can understand, making it ideal for readers of all ages. The book also prepares readers for the lessons of the messages found in The Alpha Code."
The Alpha Code" expounds on a variety of topics and questions that have been debated for hundreds of years, including why do bad things happen to good people, Creation versus Evolution (not what you'd expect), does the Garden of Eden still exist, who created Hell and do prayers go to Heaven and more. The book is filled with 562 pages of life-changing information and takes readers on an illuminating journey of discovery using scripture and biblical history as a guide.
With any life-changing revelation, as with any consciousness-altering proposition, a lot of people will condemn it because it sounds different," said the New John the Baptist. Our consciousness is very minimal even though we have The Word of The Lord in our hands. The Bible contains The Word of The Lord, and the time has come where we must truly understand it." The King of Kings Is Coming" is available as a free download at