Black and White Photography is considered one of the most challenging of assignments for any amateur or professional photographer. Unlike color photography it tests skills of pre-visualization and composition. Much attention needs to be paid to get the light, lines, shadows and texture spot on to capture the perfect moment in B&W. It requires a lot of reading and experimenting with things like the ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture. Monoimages is one of the leading photography blogs in helping passionate photographers hone their skills and stay updated with the latest photography tips and tricks. A dedicated blog for monochrome images, it is widely followed by amateur and professionals around the world.
The blog offers hands-on knowledge of B&W photography and information on the basics and advanced skills required to capture a perfect shot in black and white. Regularly updated the blog covers everything that a photographer needs to know right from choosing the best time and lighting conditions for a shoot, to capturing images in the most challenging environments. There are a number of articles on indoor photography, outdoor photography and underwater photography that are useful in sharpening the skills of photographers. Also contained on the website are tips on choosing subjects and shooting images with compact and DSLR cameras.
Post-production is one of the most important elements of modern digital photography. Good images can be turned into masterpieces using robust tools and applications on the computer. Several articles take photographers through the latest editing techniques to add more life to images. Apart from all these, Monoimages also offers detailed reviews on the latest cameras and gear including technical specs and their features and usability.
To read more on black and white photography visit the website at:
About Monoimages:
Monoimages was established in 2015 and is an online black and white photography magazine providing articles, tips & tricks for amateur photographers on black and white photography.
Jake Turner
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Worcestershire, United Kingdom
B97 4SH