Louisville, Kentucky – Award-winning author Karl F. Hollenbach’s latest title has been officially released by publisher Books, Authors And Artists (BAA). H-0945: A Common Soldier’s Story of WWII by Karl F. Hollenbach is now available to buy online as both a paperback and a Kindle ebook.
H-0945 is an historical memoir following the author’s WWII military career beginning with his induction into the Army in 1943. Read about his narrowly missed deployment to the European front, surviving a horrendous French train wreck, and more. The book shares a common, every day, soldier’s point of view of 10 years in the U.S. Army during one of the worst conflicts in American history.
Astrid Gay, book publicist for BAA, says “This book is very timely, as we will soon celebrate the 70th anniversary of the end of this conflict. This is a way for those of us who have never been anywhere near a war zone to learn a bit more about what goes on in the soldiers’ mind.”
Karl F. Hollenbach received both Finalist and Honorable Mention Readers’ Favorite Awards in 2014 for Scrooge And Marley. He is also working on The Francis Bacon Letters, a companion piece to Francis Rosicross which was released earlier this year.
H-0945: A Common Soldier’s Story of WWII is available to buy as a paperback (ISBN: 1499514254) and a Kindle ebook on Amazon. You can find out more about the book on the BAA website . Readers may also find a short preview of the book on CreateSpace
About Karl F. Hollenbach
Karl F. Hollenbach was born in 1925 in Louisville, Kentucky. He received his B.A. and M. Ed. from the University of Louisville. His esoteric and metaphysical articles have been published in Japan and England as well as the United States. He and his artist wife live on Dunsinane Hill Farm near Fort Knox, Kentucky. Additional information about the author may be found at http://BooksAuthorsAndArtists.com and on the Books, Authors and Artists Facebook page at http://www.facebook.com/BooksAuthorsAndArtists
About Books, Authors, and Artists
Books, Authors, And Artists is the publishing division of internet marketing KY, LLC. It specializes in book publication by enhancing the public awareness of selected authors, both new and previously published. Additionally, visual artists who participate by creating graphics and artwork are featured.
Kef Hollenbach
Books, Authors, and Artists
Louisville, KY 40204, USA