H. Jameson has launched her method to lose 40 pounds just by burning more calories each day in her new YouTube video.
HJ explained precisely how this massive weight loss can be easily done just by exercising a little more or just by forcing the body to burn-out more calories. She even made some examples of how this can be easily done by every person interested to lose weight.
She made her math and realized that for the women who want to lose 40 pounds quickly , there is nothing easier than this method. All they need to do is to either do a workout each day and burn 400 calories through it, or to simply be very active, and again make the body burn 400 calories more.
She refered to 400 calories in her weight loss videos, because if 400 more calories are burned each day, and in order to lose 1 pound, a human must burn 3500 calories, in about 9 days, a person can easily lose 1 pounds, and in a year the same person can lose 40 pounds. And since this could have been done almost without an effort, and just by eating the same way, taking the same amounts of calories each day, HJ decided to make her video about losing 40 pounds for women
Since a lot of women do not have e nough time to go to a gym or go jogging because they were really busy taking care of the kids, HJ suggested a few ways for the body to consume more calories.
HJ describes a few activities that any woman can do in her own house, that done for over 50 minutes on a row can burn 400 calories. Cleaning the house, washing dishes, cutting the grass, cooking, are just some of he activities. She even realized that walking to different parts of the town, or simply walking to your favorite restaurant to have lunch, and going back to the office on foot have the same weight loss effects, and if a woman stays really active throughout a day, she can easily lose 40 pounds, without dieting.
Her video even shows exactly what a person who is determined to lose 40 pounds of fat must do.
Her weight loss video can be watched in the link below, so the best thing to do is to watch it with no distractions and with a piece of paper for taking notes about fast fat loss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d14M0p09fHQ
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Dedicated to help women worldwide lose weight fast, get in shape and boost their confidence!
Contact: Heather Jameson
Company: Weight loss Stories
Address: 122 Main Street, 03262, N. Woodstock, NH
Telephone No.: 603-745-8972
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d14M0p09fHQ