HJ has just just launched her natural cellulite remedy as an alternative to liposuction. She has created a new video, and had uploaded it to youtube so that all women who do not want to spend a lot of money on liposuction to know that there is another way for them to get rid of cellulite fast with this new natural remedy
She came to the idea of making her new video on getting rid of cellulite naturally when she watched a documentary on Discovery Channel about liposuction and how painfull this operation really is. She even had bad dreams that night after she watched the documentary. She didn’t even want to think of how bad the situation would be for the women who had this surgery.
When she saw how a women had a liposuction for cellulite reduction, saw the whole surgery filmed and the fact that this was not 100 % sure to eliminate cellulite, she decided to do whatever she could in order to help women to never go through something like that.
So, she started to research about how to get rid of cellulite naturally, so she changed her diet and brushed her thighs almost daily with a brush she bought on Amazon.
She then bought a juicer and started to drink fresh squeezed lemon and carrots juice. She even drunk 1 liter of half lemon and half carrot juice each day. After having tested these remedies, she saw really great improvements.
Then, she did 200 squats, 300 lunges and 300 jumpin jacks every day for 3 weeks. Her thighs were more toned than she could ever remember.
Than she did coffee ground wraps on her thighs and butt, and after 2 months she told all her friends that these steps were so much safer than liposuction. Sh made a math, and in total with a juicer, she has spent less than $300. And because she realized that she is so much healthier that she used to be, and a liposuction costs about $1500 she had decided to create her cellulite video and to speak about a natural cellulite remedy which is so much healthier and cheaper than lipo.
She was contacted by 2 newspapers 2 days after her video was released and asked to speak more about her story and se decided to go live in a TV show about women’s health.
For the women who want to use this natural cellulite remedy on their thighs, they can watch HJ’s video in this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwb9EqSj6qk
About us:
After 3 years experience in health and fitness for women, we are dedicated to help women all over the world get in shape and get rid of cellulite fast.
Contact: Heather Jameson
Company: Cellulitenomore
Address: 122 Main Street, 03262, N. Woodstock, NH
Telephone No.: 603-745-8971
Website: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lwb9EqSj6qk