Secure 4 Telemedicine has published a new article entitled Stay Safe With Virtual Healthcare, which sheds light on the most important aspects of Staying Safe During the Pandemic while receiving healthcare. Telemedicine is for everyone all ages. Young mothers are one group who would greatly benefit from having the convenience of a physician on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Anyone interested can view the full article at https://www.mdnewsalert.comThe article includes several interesting pieces of information, one in particular is that Secure 4 can treat over 50 non-emergency conditions. This should be of particular interest to Young Mothers because Over 70% of Urgent Care visits can be treated by Telemedicine. Get medical care in the comfort of your home.One of the most important piece of information the article tries to convey and communicate is Fast, Affordable Healthcare at your fingertips. The best example of this is perhaps found in the following extract:'Secure 4 Telemedicine offers 24/7/365 on-demand access to a national network of board-certified doctors and pediatricians that can diagnose, recommend treatment, and prescribe medication. Get the care you need, when you need it. Over 50 non emergency conditions can be treated by one of our US based board-certified doctors with an average of 15 years experience. The provider network is the nation’s largest and is comprised of physicians who are Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Family Practice, Emergency Medicine and Pediatric care. In addition, all physicians are credentialed using NCQA and ZURAC guidelines, and all virtual medical consultations are conducted through a HIPAA and PHI compliant platform. With 1 low monthly price which covers the entire family, Secure 4 Telemedicine is the most affordable and convenient healthcare program around.'In discussing the article's creation, Christopher Paolina, CEO at Secure 4 Telemedicine said:"The numbers don't lie!."Regular readers of Secure 4 Telemedicine will notice the article takes a familiar tone, which has been described as 'Informative'.Secure 4 Telemedicine now welcomes comments and questions from readers, in relation to the article, as they are intent on Interacting with people who have a strong interest on the virtual healthcare subject. The reason is simply because we want a better understanding of what is important to our current and potential members.Anyone who has a specific question about a past, present, or future article can contact Secure 4 Telemedicine via their website at https://www.secure4health.comThe complete article is available to view in full at