Hospitals and medical clinics, with its staff of medical and healthcare professionals, practice what is called standard of care. This is an inclusive set of standards which guide medical practitioners in the treatment or care of patients. The training and certifications for a nurse or doctor takes longer than most degrees. Doctors spend more years in specialty training or for a general practitioner certificate in the first year of internship or residency training program.Although so many people get help from doctors and hospitals, there is a percentage of these who may question medical services they get. Since the number of people who are hospitalized is very large, the percentage runs into tens of thousands. In New York City, the number of claims for medical practice injury or damage are considered the highest in America, but remains relatively level, neither rising or falling significantly. However, the number of injuries resulting in things like failure to diagnose or misdiagnosis and acts of negligence may even be higher than claims or lawsuits.That begs the question, “Is there a medical negligence problem in New York?” At Silberstein Awad and Miklos, an accident and medical malpractice legal firm operating in metropolitan NYC, this is an important question related to one of their major practice areas. The SAM law firm believes in the sanctity of human life and that healthcare and medical treatment should be properly given to anyone in need. Its lawyers are licensed to practice in Manhattan and the Bronx as well as any part of NYC as well as the state of New York.A heart attack is one of the deadliest of adverse medical conditions in the country. Many go through it annually, and many recover while a significant number die. Another set of heart attack victims survive with complications, which requires more treatment, medicine and rehabilitation. Still another set belonging to the survivor group may call foul on the doctors or hospitals where they were treated. This is where SAM law comes in, when surviving patients want to sue for heart attack medical malpractice and related injuries and damage.SAM law is a proud organization whose senior partners are among the most awarded medical malpractice lawyers in the nation. Many of these awards come from peer-review organizations and the media. In the same manner, a record number of excellent client case reviews are not unlike a badge of appreciation or award from peers. These are proofs of record on the way SAM law delivers services to clients -- in a personalized, humane manner, and always with the right to compensation of citizens uppermost in the mind of the SAM lawyer.A heart attack can be misdiagnosed so that wrong medicines are prescribed, or a doctor may fail to diagnose a heart attack. Either way, and in other ways that are already proven in medical malpractice suits, the patient often needs legal assistance to make a case against a liable medical party or parties. SAM offers an immediate free consultation for those who call up their hotline 1-877-ASK4SAM. Clients can fill out the form on the website and ask for SAM online.