You never know what can happen to you even when you’re just taking an evening walk or taking your dog to a park in the Bronx or Brooklyn boroughs of NYC. There are simply too many passages -- curbs, sidewalks, pavements, paths, alleys, stairways -- where you can suddenly slip and fall. CDC statistics tell us that more than a million Americans are involved in this kind of accident every year and more than 17,000 of these cases result in death. Do not let yourself become just another statistic after tripping and falling or slipping on the grounds of a property, you need to know what to do when such a thing happens and the help of a New York City personal injury slip and fall accident lawyer.Richard Kenny runs a law office that has handled personal injury cases in NYC, and these include many slip and fall accidents in which the liability lies with owners of properties on which the accidents happened. Richard is someone who understands how injuries to a loved one can be painful and costly because he has a family of his own. To get a loved one just compensation after an accident like this, you can consult the Law Office of Richard M. Kenny for free. Visit or call the client hotline (212) 421-0300.Richard knows his way in and out New York City and knows for a fact that there are many premises that can cause trouble for pedestrians or persons simply passing by these premises. In fact, he sometimes takes a walk himself after work, or on weekends, for exercise or perhaps an errand with a family member. Yes, you might ask if riding a vehicle might be safer, but you simply cannot avoid walking when trying to accomplish errands or simply enjoy the outdoors. In a city as big and as filled with buildings and facilities as New York, there are many chances of a slip and fall accident that is not related to a job and this could happen to anyone.Richard Kenny assures one thing, that if a case exists, he can most likely help you prepare for it or even provide legal representation so that you have high chances of winning the lawsuit against a property owner. When the unfortunate happens, he advises those unlucky enough to be involved in such accidents to be aware of getting facts that can help build a case. Get the facts, and perhaps even the recorded testimonies of an eyewitness or two. Then you can take your case to the Kenny law firm.With the firm Richard helped found and manages, you are not simply another case file to look over. Your details are studied with a view to your personal needs and circumstances. According to him, “...there are several conditions in which a property owner would have a duty of care toward an individual on his or her premises” in New York. The firm and its lawyers take care that the circumstances have been carefully detailed so that the liability is clear to the court and a suit can result in $50,000 in compensation when a person is injured through a premises liability accident.